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Creating your own system is simple with OpenStand. The Base System is the skeleton, that can be...
The PureFocus850 laser autofocus systems provide real time focus for most infinity corrected optical...
Each PureFocus system contains a target for optical alignment of the PureFocus850 infrared laser...
Different microscopes require different mounting kits in order to install the PureFocus850. So the...
uMs-microscope with motorized, closed-loop controlled focus drive. Focus has range of 40 mm and...
Ultra-stable, fixed XY-stage that supports plug-and-play installation of uMp manipulators. The stage...
Highly stable motorized xy-translator table for both upright and inverted microscopes.
Lifting platform to install uMs-micrscope over the motorized uMs-MXY xy-translator table.
Motor controller supporting closed-loop control of up to 4 motorized axes (xy-stage, focus and...
This camera support is desinged for Hamamatsu cameras.
It is designed to provide sufficient material thickness and structure that makes sure that the...