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The #NeuroRigBuilder Team

Supplier: Supertech
https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder


Engineering Creativity for Neuroscience

 Supertech Instruments is an international group of companies. In 1991 Supertech International was established as a German - Hungarian joint venture. In 1996 our Swiss office was opened. In 2012 Supertech Instruments UK Limited was established as a separate firm. The factory of Supertech Instruments is located in Hungary.

Supertech Instruments designs and manufactures measuring equipment for physiological, biological, pharmacological, neuroscience, and brain research applications. Supertech has provided high quality, well-engineered, cost-effective products to the neuroscience community since 1991.  Supertech Instruments electronic products have an exceptionally low fault rate. The team is quite proud of that, therefore they offer a long default warranty period on their products.


Supertech Instruments works on different fields of economy, supervised by responsible experts for each fields. The common feature of our each activities are the usage of the most advanced technologies, applied for the highest requirements. A short summary of our fields is given below:

In 1991 we established our first electronics workshops. Electronics is the most stable base of Supertech Instruments, continuously since 1991. The main interest is designing and manufacturing of special electronic measuring equipments and computer-controlled data acquisition systems for medical and neurophysiological applications. In this field we have got many sophisticated reference systems. Our specialists (our employees together) have got more than 200 scientific publications in important international scientific journals. In this activity we work not for, but together with the experts of medical fields. Our two main topics which we are especially interested in:

A) Designing and prototyping of special amplifiers and analogue signal processing equipments to collect biological signals, which can be detected electronically. Our main interest in this topic is: to design special amplifiers for microelectrode research applications, used in the central nervous system (extracellular, intracellular, multi-channel, patch clamp, whole cell clamp, multi-barrel, etc.).

B) Developing of intelligent, programmable measuring equipments and complete data acquisition systems (based on PCs) for research, medical, and industrial applications. We are especially efficient in development activity, because we are familiar not only development of analog electronics, but in digital hardware and computer interfacing, as well.

In 1996 we started manufacturing of STable (©) Active Pneumatic Vibration Isolation Tables. Supertech Instruments is the only one manufacturer of vibration isolation tables in this region of Europe.

In 1999 we established a precision mechanical workshop. In this workshop we work on special development projects for research institutes. Supertech Instruments has got a specialized workshop for metal construction, too. Here we mainly deal with development of our own prototypes.

The list of the most important institutes and firms, highlighted among the frequent customers of Supertech Instruments (the list is not intended to be exhaustive):

BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria, Wien
Carl Zeiss GmbH, Austria, Wien
FH OOE, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria, Wels
NIKON CEE GmbH, Austria, Wien
Olympus Austria GmbH, Austria, Wien
Unilab Politakis Laboratory Equipment, Austria, Innsbruck
University of Vienna, Austria, Wien

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Leuven

Czech Republic:
BioTech a.s., Czech Republic, Praha
Carl Zeiss spol.s.r.o., Czech Republic, Praha
DIGITAL PRO, s.r.o., Czech Republic, Praha
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Praha

RAMCON A/S (NIKON Denmark), Denmark, Birkerod

University of Tartu - Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine - Laboratory of Cancer Biology, Estonia, Tartu

Labmetod Ltd. (NIKON Finland), Finland, Helsinki
Neuroscience Center, Department of Biosciences; University of Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki
Oy G.W. Berg & Co. Ab (NIKON Finland), Finland, Vantaa
University of Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki

AMU, Aix Marseille Universite, France, Marseille
INSERM, France, Paris
NIKON France S.A.S., France, Paris,

Charite - University Medicine Berlin, Germany, Berlin
Confovis GmbH, Germany, Jena
EMBL, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany, Heidelberg
Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Germany, Berlin
NIKON GmbH, Germany, Dusseldorf
University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany, Freiburg
University of Heidelberg, Germany, Heidelberg
JMU, University of Wurzburg, Germany, Wurzburg

Auro-science Consulting Ltd. (NIKON Hungary), Hungary, Budapest
Biomarker Ltd., (Leica Hungary), Hungary, Godollo
BME, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, Budapest
Carl Zeiss Technika Ltd., Hungary, Budaors
CE Optics Ltd., Hungary, Szeged
EGIS Pharmaceuticals PLC, Hungary, Budapest
ELTE, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary, Budapest
Femtonics Ltd., Hungary, Budapest
MTA KOKI, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
MTA OK BLI, Balaton Limnological Institute Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Tihany
MTA SZBK, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Szeged
MTA TKI, Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
MTA TTK, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
MTA TTK KPI, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
NSZKK, Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences, Hungary, Budapest
Per-Form Hungary Ltd., Hungary, Budapest
Richter Gedeon PLC, Hungary, Budapest
SANOFI-AVENTIS PLC, Hungary, Budapest
Semmelweis University, Hungary, Budapest
Unicam Ltd., (Olympus Hungary), Hungary, Budapest
University of Debrecen, Hungary, Debrecen
University of Pecs, Hungary, Pecs
University of Szeged, Hungary, Szeged

AGENTEK Ltd., Israel, Tel Aviv
University of Haifa, Israel, Haifa

IIT, Italian Institute of Tecnology, Italy, Genova
IRCCS, Foundation of the Carlo Besta Neurological Institute, Italy, Milano
NIKON Instruments S.p.A., Italy, Firenze
San Raffaele Hospital, Italy, Milan
University of Florence, Italy, Firenze
University of Padova, Italy, Padova

Opto Science, Inc., Japan, Tokyo
Tohoku University, Japan, Sendai

University of Malta, Malta, Msida

The Netherlands:
NIKON Instruments Europe B.V., The Netherlands, Amsterdam
University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Groningen
Vrije University, The Netherlands, Amsterdam

Inter Instruments AS (NIKON Norway), Norway, Hovik

Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology - University of Coimbra, Portugal, Coimbra
Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal, Lisbon

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea, Seoul

Clini-Lab Ltd., Romania, Bucharest
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures, Romania Tirgu Mures

BioVitrum M Ltd. (NIKON Russia), Russia, Moscow
Tokyo Boeki (RUS) Ltd. (NIKON Russia), Russia, Moscow

BioSense Institute, Serbia, Novi Sad

Cryosoft (NIKON Slovakia), Slovakia, Kosice
INB SAS, Institute of Neurobiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia, Kosice
ProScience Tech s.r.o. (NIKON Slovakia), Slovakia, Bratislava

Carl Zeiss d.o.o., Slovenia, Ljubljana
University of Ljuljana - Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia, Ljubljana

Bergman Labora AB (NIKON Sweden), Sweden, Danderyd
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, Stockholm
Lund University - Department of Clinical Sciences, Sweden, Lund
Stockholm University, Sweden, Stockholm

CREDO-A AG, Switzerland, Zurich
NIKON AG Schweiz, Switzerland, Egg
ScopeM - The Scientific Center of Optical and Electron Microscopy, Switzerland, Zurich
University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne
VWR International Ltd., Switzerland, Dietikon

Biochiefdom International Co., Ltd., Taiwan, Taipei

BIPH, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kiev

United Kingdom:
Babraham Institute, UK, Cambridge
Bio-Rad, UK, London
King's College, UK, London
MRC, National Institute for Medical Research, UK, London
NIKON UK Ltd., UK, London
University College London, UK, London
University of Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh
University of Cambridge, UK, Cambridge
University of Cardiff, UK, Cardiff
University of Exeter, UK, Exeter
University of Leicester, UK, Leicester
University of Newcastle, UK, Newcastle
University of Oxford, UK, Oxford
University of Sussex, UK, Sussex

United States of America:
Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA, Ashburn, Virginia
Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA, Pennsylvania
University of Arkansas, USA, Fayetteville, Arkansas
University of Michigan - Medical Center, USA, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Madison, Wisconsin

#Product Highlights

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https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder