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The #NeuroRigBuilder Team

Supplier: MCI Neuroscience
https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder


Micro Control Instruments Ltd. is a leading neuroscience equipment developer and integrator, focused on advancing Neuroscience research by supporting the community with exceptional technology.

At MCI we are not only passionate about research tool development, but about the process of undertaking research itself. Since 2014, we have been innovators in the micromanipulators and Electrophysiology fields, as well as in the motorised microscopy and imaging space.

We develop our products from the perspective of our end-users, because we were once scientists at the bench ourselves. Our first-hand understanding of the needs of life scientists, therefore, sets us apart from other equipment manufacturers.

Our team of experts appreciate that scientists require equipment they can consistently rely on to obtain publishable quality data in the shortest time possible. This is why we provide support, training and installation on our products, and why they are robustly tested for ease of use, reliability and reproducibility.


Our unique equipment range combines our own research and development output with technology from other leading developers; this includes components and systems used for imaging, electrophysiology and optogenetics. MCI offers a huge range of equipment options from our optical tables, micromanipulators, and complete electrophysiology rigs to equipment like microscope cameras, spatial illuminators and much more.

The UK headquarters are based in the Innovation Stables, on a farm in the Southeast of England. This is supported by a satellite office in China. Not only does MCI offer the very best in Neuroscience equipment and tools, but we also pride ourselves on excellent customer service and great value.

Our ultimate goal is to accompany scientists from application to publication. MCI3.png

#Product Highlights

All images shown are for illustration purpose only. See details in Terms.
https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder