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Preamplifier with traditional research shielded design, monopolar (single-ended), 1-channel input.
General purpose bio-amplifier with DC recording capability. BioAmp DC is perfect for all...
Grounding cable set including cables and adapters for flexible grounding. Kit includes: 5 pc 165 mm...
Grounding cable set including cables and adapters for flexible grounding. Kit includes: 5 pc 400 mm...
Grounding cable set including cables and adapters for flexible grounding. Grounding cables for one...
Grounding cable set including cables and adapters for flexible grounding. Kit includes: 5 pc 500 mm...
Fully automated and robust pressure controller for automated pipette cleaning with in-built...
Pressure pre-regulation & filter unit with integrated vacuum pump. Requires high pressure support.
When full automation of patching is not needed, this pressure controller is designed to make...
Drift-free triple axis micromanipulator for high-accuracy positioning electrodes.
Drift-free four axis micromanipulator for high-accuracy positioning electrodes during in-vivo...
Stand module providing flip function for uMp-micromanipulators. Flip module can be mounted directly...
Stand module providing rotation function for uMp-micromanipulators. Rotation module can be mounted...
Stand module providing slide function for uMp-micromanipulators. Slide module is mounted directly on...
Wheel control unit has one wheel for each axis to move the micromanipulator, and quick buttons on...
Control unit for max 4 uMp micromanipulators.