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Developed to fit mice on any rat sized stereotaxic instrument: a precise fixing adaptor especially...
To fix the Stereotaxic Frame Adaptor on any flat base surface.
Holder Frame for Microscope is used to lock the Stereotaxic Frame Adaptor on a removable and...
Custom designed holder frame for microscope to lock the Stereotaxic Frame Adaptor on a removable and...
Holder rod with teeth clamp, nose clamp and screw. DIY kit element to build a customized Stereotaxic...
Holder rod without teeth clamp and nose clamp. DIY kit element to build a customized Stereotaxic...
Ear bars, sharp, set of 2, with changeable aluminum tips. DIY kit element to build a customized...
Ear bars, cogged, set of 2. DIY kit element to build a customized Stereotaxic Frame Adaptor.
DIY kit element to build a customized Stereotaxic Frame Adaptor.