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MB 4-channel TTL Output Control Module
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MB 4-channel TTL Output Control Module

from Supertech

Digital output control module for the MB Modular Behavior System with 4 outputs.
5 years
Lead time:
Max. 10 weeks

The four pieces of BNC connectors are the digital outputs of the TTL Output Control Module. They have identifier letters A to D instead of numbers. The reason is that the digital input/output lines of the system bus are numbered. This way they cannot be mixed up during the assignment process of the input/output lines of the 12-bit USB System Controller to the channels of the TTL Output Control Module.

Outputs: TTL compatible, 10 unit-loads capability

Warning! The digital outputs produce standard TTL voltage levels. They must not be connected to the inputs of a 3.3 V digital system directly, because the 3.3 V inputs would be destroyed! There are special voltage translator circuits to solve this incompatibility.

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The four pieces of BNC connectors are the digital outputs of the TTL Output Control Module. They have identifier letters A to D instead of numbers. The reason is that the digital input/output lines of the system bus are numbered. This way they cannot be mixed up during the assignment process of the input/output lines of the 12-bit USB System Controller to the channels of the TTL Output Control Module.

Outputs: TTL compatible, 10 unit-loads capability

Warning! The digital outputs produce standard TTL voltage levels. They must not be connected to the inputs of a 3.3 V digital system directly, because the 3.3 V inputs would be destroyed! There are special voltage translator circuits to solve this incompatibility.


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