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BioStim Fiber Optic Receiver
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BioStim Fiber Optic Receiver

from Supertech

The Fiber Optic Transmitter / Receiver equipment pair is a single-channel, high voltage tolerant, noise insensitive, isolated, digital signal transmission line for BioStim series.
5 years
Lead time:
Max. 10 weeks

Designed to use the BioStim Universal Biological Stimulator System in MRI and FMRI labs. The Fiber Optic Transmitter / Receiver equipment pair is a single-channel, high voltage tolerant, noise insensitive, isolated, digital signal transmission line. Due to them the Stimulus Isolator can be positioned close to the animal in the high magnetic field area while the BioStim Controller or the BioStim Interface can be located in the control room.

The top of its basic application field the Fiber Optic Transmitter equipment can be used for optogenetics, retinography and other light stimulating applications in MRI and FMRI labs. In other words it can behave as a Remote Optical Stimulator. Its output light can be transmitted directly by the optical fiber to the animal located in the high magnetic field. The wavelength of the Fiber Optic Transmitter is 660 nm. Its output optical (light) power is 1mW. 

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Designed to use the BioStim Universal Biological Stimulator System in MRI and FMRI labs. The Fiber Optic Transmitter / Receiver equipment pair is a single-channel, high voltage tolerant, noise insensitive, isolated, digital signal transmission line. Due to them the Stimulus Isolator can be positioned close to the animal in the high magnetic field area while the BioStim Controller or the BioStim Interface can be located in the control room.

The top of its basic application field the Fiber Optic Transmitter equipment can be used for optogenetics, retinography and other light stimulating applications in MRI and FMRI labs. In other words it can behave as a Remote Optical Stimulator. Its output light can be transmitted directly by the optical fiber to the animal located in the high magnetic field. The wavelength of the Fiber Optic Transmitter is 660 nm. Its output optical (light) power is 1mW. 


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