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The #NeuroRigBuilder Team

IonAmp Ion Sensitive Amplifier 1-channel with headstage unit
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IonAmp Ion Sensitive Amplifier

from Supertech

IonAmp Ion Sensitive Amplifier 1-channel with headstage unit

High precision amplifier to record any electrochemical potential with processing two signals per channel from two independent electrodes and the difference of the two signals is composed as output. 1-channel version.
5 years
Lead time:
Max. 10 weeks

General description of IonAmp amplifiers

High precision amplifier to record any electrochemical potential. Every amplifier channel processes two signals from two independent electrodes and the difference of the two signals is composed as output. The two input signals are named as Reference and Ion Sensitive / Ion Selective / pH (it is abbreviated as IS) signal. IonAmp has got DC recording capability (cutoff frequency is 0 Hz) for both input signals. IonAmp amplifier can be configured 1 to several channels modularly.

IonAmp can record signals arisen from the following sources:

  • Electrochemical sensor
  • Ion-selective electrode
  • Ion-sensitive electrode
  • Ion-sensitive sensor
  • pH electrode

Every IonAmp amplifier is divided into two parts. They are the Main Amplifier and the Headstage. The Main Amplifier is desktop or rack-mounted equipment. Both styles are available. The mechanical construction style of the Main Amplifier depends on the number of the channels and the preference of the user. The Headstage is a small dual-channel preamplifier. The Headstage is built into separated tiny equipment case, because it should be located close to the target, usually in shielded environment. The enclosure of the Headstage is always made of metal to provide a good shielding of the sensitive input circuitry.

Specifications / Technical Data

Ion Sensitive / Ion Selective / pH Input:

  • Monopolar (single-ended)
  • Input Resistance: >1000 GOhms
  • Input Capacitance: 100 fF
  • Voltage Noise (1 MHz): 4.3 nV / sqrt(Hz)
  • Current Noise (100 kHz): 5.5 fA / sqrt(Hz)
  • Offset voltage correction range: +/- 900 mV
  • Offset control method: 10-turn helical potentiometer
  • Lower cutoff frequency: 0 Hz
  • Low Pass Filter setting selection: 100 Hz; 1 kHz; 10 kHz
  • Gain setting selection: 10; 100

Reference Input:

  • Monopolar (single-ended)
  • Input Resistance: 1000 GOhms
  • Input Capacitance: 3.5 pF
  • Voltage Noise (1 kHz): 7 nV / sqrt(Hz)
  • Current Noise: 0.56 fA / sqrt(Hz)
  • Offset voltage correction range: +/- 900 mV
  • Offset control method: 10-turn helical potentiometer
  • Lower cutoff frequency: 0 Hz
  • Low Pass Filter setting selection: 100 Hz; 1 kHz
  • Gain setting selection: 10; 100

The default values of the filter and gain settings of the two signal pathways are listed above. The actual values, what should be realized during the manufacturing process can be ordered with the default parameters, but they can be requested with custom values, to meet any special requirements, as well.

Mains voltage: 100-120V or 220-230V (chosen by an internal selector switch, fixed in the factory)

Power consumption: 30 VA / channel

Security Rules

Both inputs are extremely sensitive about static electricity (ESD sensitive). Even a small electric discharge will destroy the input. You must wear an ESD protector bracelet continuously to keep your body on ground potential when you do anything with the Headstage. We provide shortcut wires to keep the inputs always connected to the GND. You should remove these shortcuts just before connecting the electrodes. After disconnecting the electrodes please replace the shortcut wires immediately to the inputs.

The IonAmp amplifier must not be used in human experiments!


IonAmp series does not offer specialized electrodes.

Upon request we provide customized input cables to connect your preferred 3rd-party electrodes to the Headstage.

Product version:

IonAmp Ion Sensitive Amplifier 1-channel with 1 piece of headstage unit and without measuring electrodes

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General description of IonAmp amplifiers

High precision amplifier to record any electrochemical potential. Every amplifier channel processes two signals from two independent electrodes and the difference of the two signals is composed as output. The two input signals are named as Reference and Ion Sensitive / Ion Selective / pH (it is abbreviated as IS) signal. IonAmp has got DC recording capability (cutoff frequency is 0 Hz) for both input signals. IonAmp amplifier can be configured 1 to several channels modularly.

IonAmp can record signals arisen from the following sources:

  • Electrochemical sensor
  • Ion-selective electrode
  • Ion-sensitive electrode
  • Ion-sensitive sensor
  • pH electrode

Every IonAmp amplifier is divided into two parts. They are the Main Amplifier and the Headstage. The Main Amplifier is desktop or rack-mounted equipment. Both styles are available. The mechanical construction style of the Main Amplifier depends on the number of the channels and the preference of the user. The Headstage is a small dual-channel preamplifier. The Headstage is built into separated tiny equipment case, because it should be located close to the target, usually in shielded environment. The enclosure of the Headstage is always made of metal to provide a good shielding of the sensitive input circuitry.

Specifications / Technical Data

Ion Sensitive / Ion Selective / pH Input:

  • Monopolar (single-ended)
  • Input Resistance: >1000 GOhms
  • Input Capacitance: 100 fF
  • Voltage Noise (1 MHz): 4.3 nV / sqrt(Hz)
  • Current Noise (100 kHz): 5.5 fA / sqrt(Hz)
  • Offset voltage correction range: +/- 900 mV
  • Offset control method: 10-turn helical potentiometer
  • Lower cutoff frequency: 0 Hz
  • Low Pass Filter setting selection: 100 Hz; 1 kHz; 10 kHz
  • Gain setting selection: 10; 100

Reference Input:

  • Monopolar (single-ended)
  • Input Resistance: 1000 GOhms
  • Input Capacitance: 3.5 pF
  • Voltage Noise (1 kHz): 7 nV / sqrt(Hz)
  • Current Noise: 0.56 fA / sqrt(Hz)
  • Offset voltage correction range: +/- 900 mV
  • Offset control method: 10-turn helical potentiometer
  • Lower cutoff frequency: 0 Hz
  • Low Pass Filter setting selection: 100 Hz; 1 kHz
  • Gain setting selection: 10; 100

The default values of the filter and gain settings of the two signal pathways are listed above. The actual values, what should be realized during the manufacturing process can be ordered with the default parameters, but they can be requested with custom values, to meet any special requirements, as well.

Mains voltage: 100-120V or 220-230V (chosen by an internal selector switch, fixed in the factory)

Power consumption: 30 VA / channel

Security Rules

Both inputs are extremely sensitive about static electricity (ESD sensitive). Even a small electric discharge will destroy the input. You must wear an ESD protector bracelet continuously to keep your body on ground potential when you do anything with the Headstage. We provide shortcut wires to keep the inputs always connected to the GND. You should remove these shortcuts just before connecting the electrodes. After disconnecting the electrodes please replace the shortcut wires immediately to the inputs.

The IonAmp amplifier must not be used in human experiments!


IonAmp series does not offer specialized electrodes.

Upon request we provide customized input cables to connect your preferred 3rd-party electrodes to the Headstage.

Product version:

IonAmp Ion Sensitive Amplifier 1-channel with 1 piece of headstage unit and without measuring electrodes


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