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The #NeuroRigBuilder Team

Anatomical brain model, life-size, 5 parts
https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder

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Anatomy / Human Anatomycal Models

Anatomical brain model, life-size, 5 parts

This life-sized brain model is carefully painted in realistic color depicting the major anatomy of the brain. The left half comes apart in four pieces- the frontal and parietal, the temporal and occipital, the brainstem, and the cerebellum. The brainstem includes the trigeminal nerve (V), abducens nerve (VI), vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII), facial and intermediate nerves (VII), trochlear nerve (IV), olfactory nerve (I), glossopharangeal nerve (IX), vagus nerve (X), accessory nerve (XI), cervical ventral roots, and hypoglossal nerve (XII). The hippocampus is attached to the brainstem to show the relation of the hippocampus to the fornix and mammillary body in the brainstem. The choroid plexus is also shown.
Lead time:
Max. 5 weeks

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