Bipolar Battery-supplied Stimulus Isolator is one of the most sophisticated stimulus isolator constructions. Its counterpart is the Monopolar Battery-supplied Stimulus Isolator for monopolar pulse output. This Stimulus Isolator is supplied from its built-in rechargeable battery pack. Our battery-supplied stimulus isolators are floating equipments. It means, that they have got negligible capacity to the mains or to the ground (> 10 pF).
Main features:
- It is a research grade stimulus isolator unit. There is a precision, bipolar constant current generator built into this Stimulus Isolator. It is optimized for biological measurements carried out on in-vivo subjects and on living animals. It has been designed for the most sophisticated, noise-sensitive microelectrode experiments (for example multi-electrode or patch clamp recording). It passes extremely small, practically zero hum noise into the biological tissue.
- It is supplied from its built-in rechargeable battery pack. There is an independently orderable accessory: the Battery Manager unit, which is an automatic and precision battery charger and conditioner equipment. Since the Stimulus Isolator is supplied from its built-in battery pack, the charger function, provided by the Battery Manager is indispensable to operate it. With a new battery pack the average operation time (the efficient working period between two charging actions) is approximately 12 hours. If you take care of the battery pack, its lifetime will be at least two years, if the Stimulus Isolator is used every day, the battery pack is charged if necessary, but the battery pack is never over-discharged. These task are carried out by the Battery Manager.
- It can be controlled from any computer based data acquisition system, because its inputs are optically isolated standard TTL inputs.
- It is optimized for that goal, that it does not generate any electric noise, because of its battery-powered scheme. According to this feature it can be placed close to the experimental object anywhere, even in a seriously shielded environment.
- It has got its own, optically isolated, standard TTL control inputs. If your PC-based pattern generator (or universal DAQ) program has a hardware interface with standard TTL digital pulse pattern output, it is not necessary to order a BioStim Computer Interface, because the Bipolar Battery-supplied Stimulus Isolator can be connected directly to that digital output.
Specifications / Technical Data
- The selectable ranges of the output current: 0 to 100 µA; 0 to 10 mA
- Compliance voltage: 120 V
- Worst-case amplitude error of the constant current generator: < 5 %
- Nonlinearity of the constant current generator: < 5 %
- Output leakage current is internally trimmed to nearly absolute zero, it is less than 1 µA.
- Output overshoot: 0 (zero)
- Output rise time: 50 µs (on 1 kOhm load); 70 µs (on 10 kOhm load)
- Output fall time: 60 µs (on 1 kOhm load); 80 µs (on 10 kOhm load)
- The output current can be set independently for the positive and for the negative polarity, with scaled, 10-turn, precision helical potentiometers.
- Resolution of the helical potentiometers: 0.1 %
- Protected, 2500 V, optically isolated TTL signal conditioner circuits at the inputs
- Double security isolation
- Active level at the control inputs: TTL High
- Control inputs: TTL compatible, 1 unit-load; Control (Activate) - Polarity (Invert)
- Power source: built-in rechargeable battery pack
- Nominal voltage of the internal battery pack: 120 V
- Nominal capacity of the battery pack: 170 mAh
- Compatible with the Battery Manager equipment