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JetBall TFT
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JetBall TFT

from Phenosys

Worldwide unique Virtual Reality product with a TFT surround monitor system and a spherical treadmill. Robust and easy to use. Various add-ons are available.

JetBall Virtual Reality System for mice with TFT screens can be used with mice to investigate brain functions during decision making. This is a worldwide unique product with a TFT surround monitor system and a spherical treadmill with optional operant devices. The JetBall, an air cushioned spherical treadmill allows a restrained animal to navigate in a virtual world. Brain function can be examined with electrophysiological, imaging and optogenetic methods while the animal performs behavioural tasks employing navigation, cognition, learning, or memory.


  • TFT surround monitor system with 270°
  • JetBall air-cushion supported spherical treadmill
  • Large space for external setups, e.g. multi-photon microscopes or e-phys
  • High image contrast and luminance
  • Predefined experiments or create your own ones with our software
  • Data transfer system to combine JetBall data with external data

Package contains,

TFT Monitor Surround System 270°, Spherical Treadmill (Ball Holder, two balls), Dual XY-Motion Sensor, movable rack, computer (pre-installed: PhenoSoft Control, PhenoSoft Schedule, PhenoSoft VR, Virtual Corridor 2 m, control monitor, keyboard, computer mouse, power supply unit, pressure regulator system (compressor is not included).

Specifications and technical data:

Power input voltage 100-240 V AC
Power consumption 850 W (maximal), 500 W (typical)
TFT Surround Monitor  
Screen arrangement octagonal, six 19”-TFT sub-units
Viewing angle 270°, from center position
Height 44 cm
Weight 29.7 kg
Frequency 75 Hz
Resolution - display 1280 x 1024 pixels
JetBall Spherical Treadmill, 20 cm for Mice  
Ball Holder lenght 20 cm
Ball Holder width 20 cm
Ball Holder height 8 cm
Ball Holder height with ball (without air flow) 21 cm
Ball Holder weight 5.5 kg
Ball Holder material Aluminium
Ball diameter 20 cm
Ball material Polystyrene
JetBall Spherical Treadmill, 30 cm for Rats (<300g)  
Ball Holder lenght 30.2 cm
Ball Holder width 30.2 cm
Ball Holder height 12.0 cm
Ball Holder height with ball (without air flow) 31.0 cm
Ball Holder weight 19.8 kg
Ball Holder material Aluminium
Ball diameter 30 cm
Ball material Polystyrene
Pressure Regulation  
Flow meter 4-50 l/min, for experiments: 25 l/min
Pressure regulator 6.9 bar (maximal), for experiments: 2 bar
Sound pressure level 48-52 dBA (top of the ball, 1 cm distance from the ball, air flow 20 l/min)
Lick Sensor  
Material (outer cover) Polyvinyl chloride
Resolution 200-5700 dpi
Max. speed Up to 4.19 m/s
Peristaltic Pump  
Typical flow rate 0.45 ml/min
Movable Rack  
Width 59.5 cm
Depth 62.0 cm
Height (without control monitor) 98.5 cm

Fields of Applications:

  • Intracellular dynamics and population activity of hippocampal place cells
  • Grid cell firing fields in virtual environments
  • Neocortical neural coding during decisions.


Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2014) Layer-Specific GABAergic Control of Distinct Gamma Oscillations in the CA1 Hippocampus. Neuron, 81: 1126-1139

Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2016) Hippocampal Place Cells Couple to Three Different Gamma Oscillations during Place Field Traversal. Neuron, 91: 34–40

Fuhrmann F. et al., (2015) Locomotion, Theta Oscillations, and the Speed-Correlated Firing of Hippocampal Neurons Are Controlled by a Medial Septal Glutamatergic Circuit. Neuron 86: 1–12

Henschke et al., (2020) Reward Association Enhances Stimulus-Specific Representations in Primary Visual Cortex. Current Biology 30, 1–15

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JetBall Virtual Reality System for mice with TFT screens can be used with mice to investigate brain functions during decision making. This is a worldwide unique product with a TFT surround monitor system and a spherical treadmill with optional operant devices. The JetBall, an air cushioned spherical treadmill allows a restrained animal to navigate in a virtual world. Brain function can be examined with electrophysiological, imaging and optogenetic methods while the animal performs behavioural tasks employing navigation, cognition, learning, or memory.


  • TFT surround monitor system with 270°
  • JetBall air-cushion supported spherical treadmill
  • Large space for external setups, e.g. multi-photon microscopes or e-phys
  • High image contrast and luminance
  • Predefined experiments or create your own ones with our software
  • Data transfer system to combine JetBall data with external data

Package contains,

TFT Monitor Surround System 270°, Spherical Treadmill (Ball Holder, two balls), Dual XY-Motion Sensor, movable rack, computer (pre-installed: PhenoSoft Control, PhenoSoft Schedule, PhenoSoft VR, Virtual Corridor 2 m, control monitor, keyboard, computer mouse, power supply unit, pressure regulator system (compressor is not included).

Specifications and technical data:

Power input voltage 100-240 V AC
Power consumption 850 W (maximal), 500 W (typical)
TFT Surround Monitor  
Screen arrangement octagonal, six 19”-TFT sub-units
Viewing angle 270°, from center position
Height 44 cm
Weight 29.7 kg
Frequency 75 Hz
Resolution - display 1280 x 1024 pixels
JetBall Spherical Treadmill, 20 cm for Mice  
Ball Holder lenght 20 cm
Ball Holder width 20 cm
Ball Holder height 8 cm
Ball Holder height with ball (without air flow) 21 cm
Ball Holder weight 5.5 kg
Ball Holder material Aluminium
Ball diameter 20 cm
Ball material Polystyrene
JetBall Spherical Treadmill, 30 cm for Rats (<300g)  
Ball Holder lenght 30.2 cm
Ball Holder width 30.2 cm
Ball Holder height 12.0 cm
Ball Holder height with ball (without air flow) 31.0 cm
Ball Holder weight 19.8 kg
Ball Holder material Aluminium
Ball diameter 30 cm
Ball material Polystyrene
Pressure Regulation  
Flow meter 4-50 l/min, for experiments: 25 l/min
Pressure regulator 6.9 bar (maximal), for experiments: 2 bar
Sound pressure level 48-52 dBA (top of the ball, 1 cm distance from the ball, air flow 20 l/min)
Lick Sensor  
Material (outer cover) Polyvinyl chloride
Resolution 200-5700 dpi
Max. speed Up to 4.19 m/s
Peristaltic Pump  
Typical flow rate 0.45 ml/min
Movable Rack  
Width 59.5 cm
Depth 62.0 cm
Height (without control monitor) 98.5 cm

Fields of Applications:

  • Intracellular dynamics and population activity of hippocampal place cells
  • Grid cell firing fields in virtual environments
  • Neocortical neural coding during decisions.


Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2014) Layer-Specific GABAergic Control of Distinct Gamma Oscillations in the CA1 Hippocampus. Neuron, 81: 1126-1139

Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2016) Hippocampal Place Cells Couple to Three Different Gamma Oscillations during Place Field Traversal. Neuron, 91: 34–40

Fuhrmann F. et al., (2015) Locomotion, Theta Oscillations, and the Speed-Correlated Firing of Hippocampal Neurons Are Controlled by a Medial Septal Glutamatergic Circuit. Neuron 86: 1–12

Henschke et al., (2020) Reward Association Enhances Stimulus-Specific Representations in Primary Visual Cortex. Current Biology 30, 1–15


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https://www.neurorigbuilder.com #NeuroRigBuilder